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20 great FREE Activities and Resources to make planning your troop year a breeze
Time to read 7 min
Time to read 7 min
I have been blogging for over 5 years now. Can you believe that over 5 years of resources and ideas to help make planning troop meetings easier! Over the years I have meant some amazing people who offer a lot to help you as a troop leader as well. Today I want to share with you 20 FREE activities and resources to use with your troop. Some I have shared on the blog before, others are activities I have put together and share for free, and some are things I have found recently from other sources I want to direct you to. With that said let’s jump into the 20 resources to use with your troop now!
One of my favorite resources for planning comes from Jen at IamStrawJenberry Blog and Etsy Shop. Below is the links to the free printable for tracking badge completion for each level. Available in all troop levels in PDF format. All new trackers include pins, badges, journeys, special awards, etc.
{ Daisy Badge Tracker pdf> } – updated 7/1/2021
{ Brownie Badge Tracker pdf> } – updated 7/1/2021
{ Junior Badge Tracker pdf> } – updated 7/1/2021
{ Cadette Badge Tracker pdf> } – updated 7/1/2021
{ Senior Badge Tracker pdf> } – updated 7/1/2021
{ Ambassador Badge Tracker pdf> } – updated 7/1/2021
{ All Badge Trackers Daisy to Ambassadors pdf> }
Kaper Cards that you can use in lanyards for your girls to wear at meeting, or you could make them magnets or glue to clothes pins options are unlimited.
If you are like me, I always like to send out a visual calendar of activities and events happening for month in troop. One suggestion for doing that is using a monthly calendar template and adding activities in and printing for each parent and child. This is one that you can download for free and customize to work for you and your troop.
Do the programs and activities for different fun patches and then choose later if you want to buy the fun patch. One of my favorite sources for fun patches is Mad About Fun Patches where a number of the patches have great activity ideas or printable sheets to go with patches for free.
Add a little fun I Spy game to your next meeting or event. This could be a great meeting filler if you end up with more time to fill with activities.
A great way to teach your girls more about living by the law while learning about other girls and making new friends.
I started using scout cash as a fun way for girls to be more responsible. Gain more interest in participating in events, service projects, and more. Girls earned scout cash (play money) for things they do in troop.
One game that never gets old and could be a great way to start your meetings is by playing the would you rather game. There are 100s of questions out there, but if you are looking for one geared toward scouts look no further then going to the Leadership Made Simple shop where you can download the free game with 15 Would You Rather Questions.
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The best part about World Thinking Day is learning about different countries around the world. If you are planning an event where more than one country is involved adding the excitement of flying from one country to the next could be fun. Lear more about this activity including the whole script of how to do with your troop.
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If you are trying to find ways to make the Cookie fundraiser fun, easy to organize booths, keep track of sales, certificates, games and more. A great resource to start with is starting at My Fashionable Designs blog where you will find over 3 dozen printables you can use with your troop.
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Planning for Valentine’s meeting add these cute free printables as part of your activities. Make something to give to others and attach these tags to the gift.
If you are looking for a number of different certificate options for your next troops bridging ceremony. My Fashionable Designs has a number of Bridging certificates you can print for free and have ready for your next bridging ceremony.
Sometimes at meeting you may need a little filler activity or something to do at beginning or end of meeting as people arrive or waiting for people to be picked up. Coloring pages are a great addition to have on hand.
There are a number of opportunities to talk to an Author with your troop. One that stand out to me is the author of two books Zoey Lyndon’s Big Move to the Lou or Zoey Lyndon and the Sticky Finger Bandit because she also offers a awesome printable to go with the book.
Object of this game is to collect the whole law (10 cards) The first person to collect all 10 wins the game. Unless your girls know the law by heart be sure to have a copy of the 10 cards they need somewhere visible.
Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!
Purchase this wonderful illustrated book from Amazon.