Never Struggle Planning Activities Again

Easy to use activity booklets for your troop meeting.

Holiday Ideas

3 Seasonal Activity Booklets to Use With Your Girl Scout Troop

Being a Girl Scout leader is all about making the world a better place. Each new Girl Scout year, troop leaders start with their Girl Scout network and move on...
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving With Your Girl Scout Troop

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving With Your Girl Scout Troop

If you are a new Girl Scout troop leader in the United States, you might not be sure how to celebrate each national holiday with your girls. But Thanksgiving is...
How to Celebrate Halloween With Your Girl Scout Troop

How to Celebrate Halloween With Your Girl Scout Troop

As spooky season approaches, you might be wondering if you should celebrate Halloween with your troop, and how to do so. Some leaders have a difficult time thinking of a...
Patriotic Activities for Any Girl Scout Troop

Patriotic Activities for Any Girl Scout Troop

The 4th of July might have gone by, but patriotism lasts all year round! One of the key parts of Girl Scouts is learning about civic responsibility, patriotism, and the...
DIY Easter Craft: Puffy Paint Easter Eggs

DIY Easter Craft: Puffy Paint Easter Eggs

There are so many amazing crafts out there to celebrate Easter, and it can be hard to choose just one! Today, I wanted to add a fun Easter twist to...
10 Great Martin Luther King Jr. Ideas and Activities for your Troop Meeting

10 Great Martin Luther King Jr. Ideas and Activities for your Troop Meeting

The month of January is always a big month, people thinking about new year resolutions, planning for coming year, going back to school after winter break. It also is the...


My name is Jodi Carlson, I am a mom, wife & product owner at a insurance company by day. Girl Scouts is my passion, I have 25 years of experience and love sharing my ideas and helping other Girl Scout Leaders be successful and help shape today's girls to be the leaders of tomorrow.