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Patriotic Activities for Any Girl Scout Troop
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
The 4th of July might have gone by, but patriotism lasts all year round! One of the key parts of Girl Scouts is learning about civic responsibility, patriotism, and the way our government works. By the time your Girl Scouts have left your troop, they will have made huge progress in their understanding of their pride to be in the United States. If you’re wanting to help your Girl Scout family complete troop activities that will last all year, look no further!
The following list has some great ideas about how to use troop meetings to increase patriotism and civic duty in your Girl Scout troop. Each of these fun activities provide a great way for troop leaders to get their scouts interested and involved!
There are so many ways to be patriotic that are already included in the standard curriculum for Girl Scouts! If you’re leading a troop of Daisies, Brownies, Cadettes, Ambassadors, Juniors, or Seniors, there is a Democracy badge for each one. The Inside Government and Behind the Ballot badges are two other options that can help older girls understand what’s going on in the government and learn how to vote! And there are lots more where those came from.
The Democracy badges will help your girls:
Each one focuses on a different level of information about these subjects. They’ll meet people who work in our government, find out how people in the government decide what rules are made and how they are followed, know the three branches of government—and some of the things they are responsible for, learn how to vote, and learn about how every level of government works.
The Inside Government badge will help your scouts:
Find out more about the basics of government and start to become an active citizen.
Knowing how the government is run will help your scouts understand how they can be involved citizens and stand up for others with their civic involvement.
The Behind the Ballot badge is one more badge that will help your Girl Scouts:
Learn about the importance of voting and find out about the electoral process in the United States and around the world.
1. Find out more about elections
2. Investigate the ins and outs of voting
3. Get out the vote
4. Plan a campaign
5. Explore voting in other countries
This badge will get them fired up about voting, and help them learn how to become educated and vote.
There are so many other badges that can help your students develop their leadership skills and sense of activism! But there are a couple more opportunities I want to highlight for your troop.
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American flags are the most patriotic symbols we have available in the US. Whether you’re preparing for a flag ceremony, trying to help young girls understand what patriotism means, or help them gain new skills, flag training is a great way to teach younger girls or high school Girl Scouts to respect their country.
There are so many life skills involved in these lessons, like how to hold a flag, carry a flag, and retire the American flag. Troop meetings are a great place to teach scouts from all age groups the importance of the flag, and how it relates to girl scouting.
You can prepare your scouts for all types of flag ceremonies, like a flag retirement ceremony, and teach them about why they matter so much. These things will stick with them!
Another way to celebrate our freedom is through service projects to show our appreciation to our role models. A lot of veterans would love to hear how they’ve been an inspiration to young people, and creating cards or letters for veterans is an activity that scouts at every age level can participate in.
If you want something a little more hands on, you could even go visit a VA hospital or another similar setting with your girl scouts. This can provide an amazing experience for your girls, as well as any adult volunteers that are involved. There are
Even bringing in guest speakers who are veterans, having special camp sessions about respecting our military, or doing some community service can help instill a sense of patriotism in your girls.
All of these activities will help your scouts understand what patriotism is all about, and teach them lessons that will last for a lifetime! I’d love to hear how they go for your troop. Pride in our country, as well as efforts to make it better for everyone, can truly last all year round!
Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!
Purchase this wonderful illustrated book from Amazon.