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10 Great Martin Luther King Jr. Ideas and Activities for your Troop Meeting
Time to read 5 min
Time to read 5 min
The month of January is always a big month, people thinking about new year resolutions, planning for coming year, going back to school after winter break. It also is the month we celebrate Martin Luther Kings birthday. If you are looking for ideas for your troop to celebrate read on for 10 ideas to get you started.
What is Martin Luther King Day? Known as the Day of Service, MLK Day is a way to honor his life and teaching by engaging in community action that continues to solve social problems. By participating in service-day activities, you can encourage your girls to give back, care for those in need, and build stronger communities.
We celebrate the birthday and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; a Civil Rights activist who promoted peace and equality for all.
If you want to teach your girls the story of Martin Luther King check out Kid President video below.
Once upon a time, there was a man named Martin Luther King, Jr. He taught us that things won’t always be awesome, but your response can be. Remember, things don’t always have to be they are. We can change them! Kids can change them.
Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? He was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” – MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.
You will need white and brown eggs for this activity. Talk to your girls about the two eggs. ask them what the differences are in the eggs? Ask them if they think the inside of the brown egg will be brown or if the inside of the white egg with be white?
Then take each egg and crack them open. What are the differences in the inside? The findings will be that they are the same inside.
After discussing the eggs you can transition into discussion about what makes us all unique and different such as our hair type, body type, color, interest, and language. But you can also talk about what makes us all the same. All humans have a beating heart and are the same on the inside so we shouldn’t judge others because they are different then us. Show your girls that diversity is appreciating what is on the inside of people not the outside.
You will need white and brown eggs for this activity. Talk to your girls about the two eggs. ask them what the differences are in the eggs? Ask them if they think the inside of the brown egg will be brown or if the inside of the white egg with be white?
Then take each egg and crack them open. What are the differences in the inside? The findings will be that they are the same inside.
After discussing the eggs you can transition into discussion about what makes us all unique and different such as our hair type, body type, color, interest, and language. But you can also talk about what makes us all the same. All humans have a beating heart and are the same on the inside so we shouldn’t judge others because they are different then us. Show your girls that diversity is appreciating what is on the inside of people not the outside.
Dr King Had a Dream
(tune: Old MacDonald)
Dr. King had a dream for p-e-a-c-e.
He wanted people to be friends and live in harmony.
He had lots of love to share.
He spread kindness everywhere!
Dr. King had a dream for p-e-a-c-e!
by Jacqueline Woodson
(tune Twinkle Twinkle)
Freedom, freedom, let it ring.
Let it ring said Dr King
Let us live in harmony.
Peace and love for you and me.
Freedom, freedom let it ring.
Let it ring said Dr King.
A Song About Martin Luther King
(sung to Yankee Doodle)
Dr. King was a man
Who came from Atlanta Georgia.
Had a dream that he preached
For all men to be equal.
Dr King was so brave
Martin was a hero.
Won the fight for everyone
To end discrimination.
This is an easy-to-play game that is a great way to learn about Martin Luther King Jr. Girls will match up the answers on their cards with questions on other girls cards.
This is a fun way to see how much your girls already know about Martin Luther King or you can do the quiz after you do a number of activities to learn more about him and see how much everyone learned. Here is a free printable with 12 questions to test your knowledge about him.
For this activity you will need some art materials such as white paper, pencils, crayons and markers. If you have internet then you can show the following video to girls with the step by step directions on how to draw Martin Luther King Jr. If you do not have internet print these directions to use at your meeting.
This Martin Luther King Games’ Bundle is the perfect holiday printable pack of activities for your troop. It comes with 7 printable games.
At the beginning of your meeting or during downtime you may want to give your girls time to color a picture that fits the occasion. Here is a printable booklet of 11 coloring pages.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a civil rights protest during which African Americans refused to ride city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest segregated seating.
Rosa Parks dared to stand up for herself and other African Americans by staying seated and organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott. As a result, she helped end public bus segregation and launch the country’s Civil Rights Movement. This friendly, fun biography is a great way to teach your girls about her and more about the Civil Rights Movement.
Need a few more ideas?
Here are a few Fun Patches to add to your girls vest after learning more about Martin Luther King Jr.
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Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!
Purchase this wonderful illustrated book from Amazon.