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5 Fun Activities to help you earn the Junior Gardener Badge
Time to read 5 min
Time to read 5 min
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If you’re anything like me, you get the gardening fever whenever the weather gets warm! With the warm weather and smell of spring in the air, it’s the perfect time to help your scouts work toward earning the junior gardener badge activity.
If you don’t have gardening supplies, don’t worry! Gardening is much more than actually planting flowers. Today we will explore some great ideas to help you earn this fun badge.
The Gardener activity booklet will teach you the right way to grow and care for a garden. You will explore inspiring gardens to see first hand gardens in action. You will learn how to design a garden, what plants are best in what environment, and more about seeds. Then lastly, of course, plant and grow your own garden.
One important aspect of being a gardener is understanding the ecosystem in which your plants thrive. One way to explore this is by delving into the world of birds. Birds play a significant role in the garden by spreading seeds, pollinating flowers and helping control pest populations. By attracting birds to your garden, you can create a balanced ecosystem that benefits all living creatures.
Start by observing the types of birds that frequent your garden. What do they eat? What plants do they prefer? You can also build birdhouses or feeders to encourage more birds to visit. Consider planting native plants that provide food and shelter for birds. You can even take it a step further and participate in bird-watching activities to learn more about the diverse species that call your region home.
By exploring the world of birds, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness between all living creatures in the garden. Plus, observing these feathered friends can be a rewarding and relaxing activity that can enhance your overall gardening experience.
If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to enhance your gardening skills, why not try creating a miniature garden? This activity is perfect for Junior Gardeners because it allows you to experiment with different plant combinations and designs on a smaller scale.
To start, select a container or vessel that will serve as the base for your miniature garden. This can be anything from a terrarium or a planter to a coffee mug or a shoebox. Next, gather some mini plants and accessories that will add interest and texture to your garden. You can find these at your local garden center or even make your own using materials like stones, moss, and twigs.
As you design your miniature garden, consider the same principles that apply to a regular-sized garden: layering, contrast, and proportion. You can create different levels by using taller plants at the back and shorter ones at the front. Adding a small water feature, like a tiny pond or fountain, can also add interest and movement to your miniature garden.
When you’re finished, sit back and admire your creation! Not only is it fun to make, but it can also serve as a unique centerpiece or decoration for your home. Plus, you’ll have gained valuable experience in designing and growing plants that you can apply to your larger garden projects in the future.
You can also skip the gathering and use this adorable Creativity for Kids Mini Garden: Magical Unicorn from Amazon which includes everything you need plus its a colorful garden
Another fun activity to include is planting your own herb garden. Not only is it a fun and creative activity, but it can also provide you with fresh herbs to use in your cooking. All you need is a small plot of land or even a few containers, some soil, and the herbs of your choice.
Begin by choosing the herbs you want to grow. Some great choices for beginners include basil, parsley, cilantro, and chives. You can purchase seeds or small plants from your local garden center or online. Once you have your herbs, choose a sunny spot for your garden or containers and prepare the soil.
Next, plant your herbs according to the instructions on the seed packet or plant label. Water them well and be sure to give them enough sunlight to thrive. As your herbs grow, be sure to prune them regularly to encourage new growth and prevent them from becoming overgrown.
When your herb garden is thriving, you can use your fresh herbs in all sorts of delicious dishes. And who knows, maybe you’ll even come up with a new recipe of your own!
Take the planning out of your herb garden and get this 10 Herb Seeds Garden Starter Kit that has everything you need for each girl to plant and care for one herb plant.
Worms may seem like an unlikely addition to a garden, but they play an important role in keeping the soil healthy and fertile. By building a worm farm, you can create your own supply of nutrient-rich worm castings to use in your garden.
To start your worm farm, you’ll need a container with a lid, such as a plastic storage bin or a wooden box or skip the supply gathering and just get right from Amazon kit ready to use. . Drill several small holes in the lid and the sides of the container for ventilation. Fill the container with shredded newspaper or cardboard as bedding for the worms. Then, add a handful of soil and some vegetable scraps for the worms to feed on.
Next, add the worms. You can either buy worms at a gardening store or find them in your own backyard. Red wigglers are a good choice for worm farms because they are easy to care for and reproduce quickly.
Once your worm farm is established, keep it in a cool, dark place and check on it regularly to make sure the bedding is moist and the worms have enough food. As the worms eat the scraps and bedding, they will produce worm castings, which can be harvested and used as a natural fertilizer for your garden.
Now that you have some experience with planting and caring for herbs, it’s time to put your skills to the test by designing your own garden plot. Consider the amount of sunlight and shade in your yard, as well as the type of soil and the size of the space you have available. Think about which plants you want to grow and how much space they will need.
Once you have a plan in place, start preparing the soil by removing any weeds and adding compost or other organic matter. Then, plant your seeds or seedlings according to your design. Water regularly and keep an eye out for pests or other issues.
With a little patience and care, your garden plot will soon be flourishing with fresh, healthy plants. And who knows, you may even discover a new green thumb talent along the way!
If you have a regular meeting spot you could work as troop to create a real nice garden plot at your meeting spot.
Gardening is not just about digging in the dirt and planting seeds; it’s about exploring the wonders of the natural world and discovering new ways to engage with it.
By exploring the world of birds, creating a miniature garden, planting your own herb garden, building a worm farm, and designing your own garden plot, you can earn your Junior Gardener Badge and discover new and exciting ways to enjoy gardening. So why not try out these five activities and unlock the full potential of your green thumb? As Albert Einstein once said, “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!