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4 Essential Tips for New Girl Scout Leaders
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
We all have a story to tell about our first meeting, our first year as a Girl Leader or co-leader. How we took that step towards joining or starting a troop of our own. We all have a similar goal: to offer the best Scouting experience for our girls/daughters.
But then after you sign the papers you feel overwhelmed and lost, the books are confusing, all the paperwork that needs done and you start wondering if you made a mistake.
The following are things that may seem pretty straight forward to some, but think back to that recruitment meeting, when those seasoned leaders told you it is easy just become a leader you are going to love it, I promise. I think these are the top 4 things I wish was covered at the recruitment meeting where I said “YES”
I am not saying you can’t do it alone, but in my opinion you shouldn’t have to. First find someone that can work closely with you. I always said the Ying to your Yang. For example, I love the paperwork and planning the events and meetings for the girls while my co-leader hates all that, but loves to be hands on with the girls, we both do our part.
You can take it a step further and get your parents involved, those parents who wanted to help but were intimidated to start their own troop, recruit them as parent helpers, give them tasks and before you know it you will have your very own community running at your troop meetings.
You’re not the first person to ever lead a troop. There are more than 100 years of experience to pull from. One of the important sources of help is your Service Unit Manager they are available for any question you might have and has close access to the council resources. If your area offers the opportunity to attend council meetings these are an incredible source for team building, learn about upcoming events, and get ideas from a bunch of leaders who were once in your position.
Last bit of advice is get on the internet, there are a number of websites like this one that have lots of ideas to help you along the way. I have put together a page with some resources I have found very helpful through the years as a leader.
You’re an active member of your own Scouting Community. Remember those leaders who convinced you to take the plunge, well guess what I bet there are years of experience and ideas locked away in their brains, don’t feel like a failure for requesting assistance when you need it.
This is one of the things you’re teaching your girls, and it’s something you can do as well. There sometimes is this assumption that people will criticize when you don’t know something; that’s just wrong so don’t feel vulnerable and ask for assistance. For most of us doing this for years, we want to share what we know and having someone asking me for help brings me as much joy as helping the girls themselves.
There are forms, bank accounts, reports, insurance and certifications, but once you get a handle on all that you can move beyond the basics, and you make the troop what you want, there is no right or wrong way to run a troop, ask around you will see every leader does it different.
Among all the great things about Scouts there is also the liberty to structure and lead your troop as you and your co-leaders wish. While Scouts all across the USA recite the same Promise, earn same or similar badges (since some areas have their own council badges), and live by the GS law, but much like our lives, no two troops are precisely alike. So be patient with yourself, parents, your girls, and co-leaders and have fun creating a troop you all can be proud of.
Hope these few tips help you as a new leader or spark memories of when you were new at this. The most important thing to keep in mind that you’re learning just as your girls and you will learn so much from your girls as they are learning from you.
If you are interested in saving a lot of time planning your troop meetings and looking for a fun new way to help your girls earn their petals and promise center, check out the GARDEN FAIRIES: ADVENTURE Activity Kit.
With this 25-page planner, you'll have everything you need to stay organized and focused as a Girl Scout leader. Being prepared and having all your troop information in one place will save you time and stress, allowing you to focus on creating memorable experiences for your girls. Get your planner today and unleash your organizational superpowers!The planner contains your calendar, meeting planners, rosters and badge trackers in one safe place for when you need it.
Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!