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22 Websites to Help You Run Your Troop Successfully
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
I get asked a lot what other resources are out there for Girl leaders other than my site. I have done a lot of digging on the web and have found some really good places to go to get not only ideas, but also planned programs just like I offer here at Leader Connecting Leaders. There are blogs that leaders have started sharing what they have done, and of course there is also Pinterest which houses endless ideas from all over the web. I try to share as much as I can on my Pinterest boards from all over the web so be sure to stop over and follow all my boards: Leader Connecting Leaders Pinterest
At the time of this writing this site is still active, if this link does not work send me a email and let me know and I can update this post. I found a website where someone went through and transcribed all the badges into word documents. Check It Out
I have a few go to sites that I like to use. As many of you know Girl Scout Fun patches are nice but at a price point as high as many of them are we all find that its hard to justify spending over a dollar each on fun patches. Because of that we are always looking for other places to find patches. I will list Girl Scouts official store, but be sure to check out these other 4 great sites for patches.
While out on the web I have come across a number of great websites that are either specific to Scouts or have a number of post, categories dedicated to talking about ideas for leaders.
Well of course I will plug my resources here on Leader Connecting Leaders shop, but beyond my site there are a few other sites I would highly recommend, if you can’t find what you need here or need more resources for your troop check out these other two shops, I have used them both and have great resources for new and seasoned leaders.
Are you someone who loves to listen to Podcast for Ideas? If so be sure to check out Silver & Gold Podcast She shares ideas you can use as well as more resources on website, and guest who share things they have done.
One thing we all know as leaders we need all the help we can get to make the program fun, educational, and to help build the girl leaders of tomorrow. This post is packed full with ideas for: