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Badge Ideas for 2nd - 3rd Graders

Brownie My Family Story Badge

5 Fun Activities to help you earn the Brownie My Family Story Badge

Do the Brownie My Family Story Badge to find out more about the people you love and who love you. That’s your family.” As you and your girls work on...
Brownie Hiking Badge promo

5 Fun Activities to help you earn the Brownie Hiking Badge

Looking to earn the Brownie Hiking Badge? Check out these 5 fun activities that will get your troop excited about hiking and exploring the great outdoors. From trail scavenger hunts...
12 Fun Games And Activities To Earn The Brownie Pet Badge

12 Fun Games And Activities To Earn The Brownie Pet Badge

My girls enjoy playing games and doing crafts. While learning about pets I incorporated both when learning because it is a great way to reinforce the topic we are covering....
Girl Scouts Making Friends

5 Fun Activities to help you earn the Brownie Making Friends Badge

One of the questions many adults find themselves asking is how people make friends! No matter what age you’re at, there are lots of new things to learn when it...
5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Meet My Customers Badge

5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Meet My Customers Badge

A very popular badge during cookie season is Meet My Customers for 2nd and 3rd graders. Today I will share some ideas to make your meetings more fun while teaching...
little girl on computer

5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Cybersecurity Basic Badge

Have your girls ever been interested in learning more about being safe when on the web? Then it is time to explore more about technology and how to use cybersecurity...


My name is Jodi Carlson, I am a mom, wife & product owner at a insurance company by day. Girl Scouts is my passion, I have 25 years of experience and love sharing my ideas and helping other Girl Scout Leaders be successful and help shape today's girls to be the leaders of tomorrow.