Never Struggle Planning Activities Again

Easy to use activity booklets for your troop meeting.

Badge Ideas for 2nd - 3rd Graders

5 Fun Activities to help you earn the Brownie Fair Play Badge

5 Fun Activities to help you earn the Brownie Fair Play Badge

When playing games, it is only going to be fun if everyone can play and everyone follows the same rules. Using some of these activities below help your girls learn...
5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Computer Expert Badge

5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Computer Expert Badge

If you’re looking for ideas to make your meeting more fun while teaching your girls how computers work and how to use them, you have come to the right place....
First Aid Box

5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie First Aid Badge

If your looking for ideas to make your meeting more fun while learning how to handle and prevent injuries at your troop meetings and take those skills with them no...
5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Showcasing Robot Badge

5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Showcasing Robot Badge

Looking to earn the Brownie Showcasing Robot Badge? Check out these five fun activities that will engage and inspire your Brownie troop. From creating a robot fashion show to designing...
5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Designing Robot Badge

5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Designing Robot Badge

Looking to earn the Brownie Designing Robot Badge? Here are five fun activities to help your Brownie troop unleash their creativity and dive into the world of robotics. From designing...
5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Programming Robot Badge

5 Fun Activities To Earn the Brownie Programming Robot Badge

Looking to earn the Brownie Programming Robot badge? Look no further! This blog post features five exciting activities that will introduce your troop to the world of programming and robotics....


My name is Jodi Carlson, I am a mom, wife & product owner at a insurance company by day. Girl Scouts is my passion, I have 25 years of experience and love sharing my ideas and helping other Girl Scout Leaders be successful and help shape today's girls to be the leaders of tomorrow.