Never Struggle Planning Activities Again

Easy to use activity booklets for your troop meeting.
Organizing as leader

3 Easy Steps to Stop Spending All Your Time Organizing Get Back to the Fun of Being a Leader


Time to read 1 min

Do you ever feel like you spend more time organizing your troop than guiding them on exciting adventures? Permission slips, calendars, endless emails – the list goes on! Being a leader is supposed to be about empowering young girls and fostering a love of learning, not getting bogged down in paperwork.

But wait, there's hope! Here are 3 easy steps to reclaim your time and rediscover the joy of being a leader.

Embrace Technology as Your Ally

Gone are the days of relying solely on paper and endless email chains. There are amazing tools out there designed to streamline your leadership journey. Consider using a digital leader planner . These offer features like:

  • Drag-and-drop to-do lists: Prioritize tasks and keep track of deadlines with ease.

  • Color coding: Categorize activities and events to visually enhance organization.

  • Calendar integration: Sync your troop planner with your personal calendar to avoid scheduling conflicts.

  • Cloud storage: Access your plan from anywhere on any device – perfect for busy leaders!

Delegate and Empower

Leadership is not a one-woman show! Utilize the amazing talent within your troop. Delegate tasks like collecting permission slips or coordinating carpools to parents who are willing to help. Not only will this lighten your load, but it also fosters a sense of community and responsibility in the troop.

Focus on the Fun!

Let's not forget the most important part: inspiring and engaging your girls!

  • Plan activities that spark curiosity and creativity. Move beyond cookie sales and embrace badge work that allows girls to explore their passions.

  • Make learning an adventure. Integrate outdoor activities, field trips, and guest speakers into your troop schedule.

  • Celebrate achievements, big and small. Recognize your girls' hard work and dedication to keep them motivated and excited.

By implementing these 3 steps, you can transform your role from a frazzled organizer to a confident and inspiring leader.

 Remember, the goal is to create a fun and enriching environment for your Girl Scouts, and with a little planning and technology, you can get back to the joy of leadership!

Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!