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Fun Girl Scout Patches for February: Earn and Learn Together


Time to read 3 min

February is packed with exciting opportunities for Girl Scouts to learn, grow, and celebrate! From World Thinking Day and Black History Month to Valentine’s Day and cookie sales, there are many ways to find fun and meaningful activities for your troop to do and earn fun patches along the way.  

Whether diving into global cultures, honoring history, spreading kindness, or mastering the art of cookie sales, this blog post will provide fun, educational, and easy-to-implement activities to make this month unforgettable for your troop.

Let’s explore how your girls can earn special Girl Scout fun patches while having a blast and building valuable skills! 

Girl Scout Fun Patches

World Thinking Day Fun Patch

World Thinking Day is about learning about different cultures, international friendships, and global impact. Here are some engaging activities your girls can do:

  • Games Around the World – Teach your troop over 25 different games played by children in other countries. You can rotate through stations or play one as a group!

  • World Trefoil Game – Help your girls understand the meaning of the Trefoil pin through a hands-on matching or trivia activity.

  • Cultural Showcase – Assign each girl or small group a country to research, and have them present fun facts, traditional outfits, or even a simple recipe from that country.

  • Pen Pal Exchange – Connect with another Girl Scout troop from a different country and start a pen pal project.

After completing any of these activities, celebrate their learning with a World Thinking Day Fun Patch for their vest!

Black History Month Fun Patch

February is the perfect time to highlight inspiring Black leaders, inventors, and changemakers. Here are some fun ways your troop can earn this patch:

  • Read & Discuss “Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History”: This book introduces your girls to trailblazing Black women who made history in science, the arts, and activism.

  • Act it Out: Assign girls different historical figures and have them share facts or write a short skit about their contributions.

  • Creative Expression: Have your girls create posters or artwork honoring an influential Black figure and present them to the group.

  • I Have Who Has Martin Luther King – Learn more about Martin Luther King and what he accomplished as a leader.

Celebrate their learning with a Black History Month Fun Patch to remember the experience!

Cookie Sale Fun Patch

For many troops, cookie sales are in full swing! Whether you’re braving the cold or running an innovative sale, here are fun ways to earn this patch:

  • Marathon Drive-Thru Booth Sale – Set up a drive-thru cookie booth to maximize sales and minimize exposure to the cold.
  • Cookie Pitch Challenge – Have each girl practice and perfect their cookie sales pitch.

  • Cookie Sales Goal Setting – Teach girls about goal setting and financial literacy by helping them set and track their sales goals.

  • Make a Commercial – Let the girls create a fun video or skit promoting cookie sales for social media.

Once your cookie season ends, reward your hardworking Girl Scouts with a Cookie Sale Fun Patch to commemorate their achievements!

Valentine’s Day Fun Patch

Valentine’s Day is a great time to focus on kindness, friendship, and fun! Here are some fantastic activities to earn a Valentine’s Day Fun Patch:

  • Make and Deliver Kindness Cards: Have girls create Valentine’s cards for a local nursing home, hospital, or community helpers.

  • Valentine’s Day Games & Activities: For your troop's celebration, use a Valentine’s Day Activity Booklet featuring 14 fun games and crafts.

  • Acts of Kindness Challenge: Encourage girls to perform random acts of kindness for family, friends, and their community.

  • Chocolate Tasting & DIY Treats: Try a blindfolded chocolate taste test or let girls make their Valentine’s Day treats.

End the day by handing out Valentine’s Day Fun Patches as a special keepsake!

February is an exciting month filled with learning, fun, and celebrations! Whether your troop is exploring World Thinking Day, Black History Month, cookie sales, or Valentine’s Day, these activities will help them learn new skills, have fun, and earn fun patches!

Happy Scouting! 

Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!