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12 best places to buy fun patches and patch programs for your troop
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Today I am going to walk you through 12 different places online you can find fun patches for your girls.
What are fun patches and how do you earn them? If you are new to scouting and wondering what all the excitement is about these patches, stop over to Scout Leaders Blog to learn more about fun patches.
I put Mad About Fun Patches as number one because of the quality, price and size of these patches. They are super detailed, some come with free activity booklets, they offer custom designs if you need it. And to top it off its all done by two women.
This site is great not only for ordering patches, but also because they have free (and paid) resources for journey programs. They provide printable options to go along with fundraising ideas, patches, and program level ideas. And if you’ve run out of swap ideas, they also have kits that you can purchase for your entire troop.
There are 100s of fun patches to choose from and if you don’t see what you need they do offer custom designs as well.
There are so many different fun patches to choose on this website. You have a theme event or ceremony that you are looking for a patch for check them out. They also have a weekly patch deal. Just sign up for newsletter to stay informed.
If you are a troop on a budget this website offers a number of low priced patches. You can always find unique things for activities like World Thinking Day, camping and holiday patches.
This is another small business ran by a stay at home mom who designs and creates fun patches your troop may love.
You can get fun patches directly from Girl Scouts of USA website, or checkout your local council shop for different fun patches they have available.
This is a fun patch company that has been around for many years. They have a wide variety of fun patches to choose from.
Believe it or not Ebay is a great place to find some unique fun patches for your girls. Sometimes people make them and sell them right here on Ebay.
Great collection of Fun Patches many are iron on. This company is located in Canada.
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Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!
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