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5 Fun Activities to help you earn the Brownie Fair Play Badge
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
When playing games, it is only going to be fun if everyone can play and everyone follows the same rules. Using some of these activities below help your girls learn more about fair play and having fun with with everyone.
Below are a few ideas to get you started.
Before jumping into a few ideas, do you want to skip all the planning? If so, use this Activity Booklet which will teach your girls how to play fair all the time with a number of team games, learning more about disabilities with hand on activities, learn how to score games by playing games, make rules that make playing fair and fun, and lastly create and run a field day where you bring everything together into a fun filled Fair Play Day. With a step by step activities, you can’t ask for an easier way to run your meeting. Learn more and get yours today!
Be sure to also checkout these other activities your girls will love:
What you need: Balloon for each pair of girls
How to play: Give each pair of girls a balloon then on go have them try to pop the balloon using each other’s body. They can not use their hands or feet.
What you need: Balloon for each pair of girls
How to play: Give each pair a balloon on go they need to work together to keep the balloon in the air the longest. If balloon touches the floor they are out. Pair lasting the longest wins.
These are a few great story to share with your girls to show them nothing can stop you from being part of a game, sport or activity. Physical disabilities do not mean you can’t follow your dreams. It will also teach your girls to always include everyone even if you think they can’t do it because part of playing fair is including everyone.
Evelyn Rodriguez was born with one arm. She felt self-conscious and shy about it growing up. It wasn’t until she was an adult that she started to feel comfortable in her own skin. Things started to change for her when she began competing in triathlons. Training as an athlete helped build her confidence.
Marvin is an incredible young man and varsity football player who hasn’t let anything stand in the way of doing what he loves.
I have shared a pile of other games in other post that would be a great addition into this badge. So after you checkout the rest of the ideas on this page be sure to stop over to these pages for more ideas to have in your back pocket.
If your girls decide to create a field day event for your area troops or community a few basic games all field days have are potato sack race, 3 legged race, and egg and spoon race. If you need the supplies for that here is a great kit that has everything you need for these three activities so you don’t have to go looking all over for the bags, spoons, eggs, and straps for 3 legged race. And here is a great website with over 50 field day game ideas to get your girls started planning their event. Click here
If you don’t want to spend the time planning, our Activity Booklet has step-by-step instructions with activities that don’t require any planning other than gathering supplies and printing booklets.
Well of course give them the badge to display proudly on their vest, they earned it! Additionally If you are like many leaders we want to award our girls when they complete something even beyond just the patch. One great way to show achievement is with a certificate. Don’t worry you don’t have to make them, I found a resource that has done all the work for you and all you have to do is print them and customize the certificates with each girl’s name, badge or award earned, date, and troop leader. Editable certificates perfect for awarding girls after earning a badge.
More Resources For You Beyond This Site
I get asked a lot what other resources are out there on the internet for Leaders. I have done some digging over the years and have used many of the resources myself. I compiled a list of some great companies that sell patches, programs and also other bloggers offering amazing resources that may fit your needs even better than my site did. Checkout what I found.