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bubble art

How to Create Bubble Art with Paint and Bubbles


Time to read 2 min

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Difficulty:  Easy
Estimated Time:  30 Minutes
Great for:  2nd and 3rd Grade Girls

Learn how to create Bubble Art with Paint and Bubbles with a few simple ingredients. You can learn through directions and pictures and a short video at end of post showing how to do it. Let’s get started!

Bubble Art with Paint and Bubbles Supplies

  • One sheet of cardboard: A sturdy surface for your bubble art project. Choose a thick cardboard sheet that will hold up to the water and bubbles.

  • Straws: Use regular drinking straws to blow bubbles into the mixture. Opt for plastic or reusable straws for a more eco-friendly choice.

  • Water: The essential liquid to mix with the dish soap and paint to create your bubble solution.

  • Dish Soap: A key ingredient for creating bubbles. Use a mild dish soap to ensure good bubble formation.
  • Several Colors of Paint: Choose your favorite washable paints for colorful bubble art! Bright, bold colors work best.

How to make craft

Step #1 Prepare the Bubble Solution

Mix three tablespoons of bubble solution or dish soap with two tablespoons of paint in a cup.

Bubble Art with Paint and Bubbles

Step #2 Blow the Bubbles

Please stir well and then add a little water to the mixture. It’s helpful to use shallow cups or bowls for this step. Remember that when bubbles escape from the cup, they may appear transparent.

Bubble Art with Paint and Bubbles

Step #3

Once the mixture is ready, place a straw in the cup and start blowing lots of bubbles. Hold a sheet of cardboard just below the bubbles to catch them. When the bubbles pop, you’ll be left with colorful spots on your cardboard!

Blowing Bubbles

Step #4 Try a Second Technique

To create different effects, try a second technique. Place the straw slightly above the cardboard and blow bubbles directly onto it. When the bubbles pop, they will leave behind perfect colored circles.

Blowing Bubbles 4

Experiment and Have Fun: Don’t hesitate to get creative! Try using different colors of paint or mixing the paint with the soap for new effects. You can also try creating different bubble sizes by adjusting how hard you blow into the straw. The more bubbles you create, the more vibrant your artwork will become!

Finished Masterpiece!

Blowing Bubbles 5

Why Use Cardboard? Cardboard is ideal for this project because it’s thick and durable enough to handle the water and bubbles without becoming soggy. Regular paper can get too wet and rip easily, so stick with cardboard to ensure a longer-lasting artwork.

Final Tips:

  • Let your bubble art dry completely before handling it, especially if you’ve used several layers of bubbles.

  • Be patient—sometimes, the best bubble art comes from the most unexpected and random bubbles!

  • This project is an excellent opportunity to teach your girls about the science behind bubbles, like how surface tension and air pressure create their round shape.

Craft Video

Watch this tutorial video for a visual guide to the process.

Enjoy experimenting with different colors and techniques as you create your own bubble art masterpiece!

Need More Bubble Inspiration?

Do you need more great craft ideas? Check out all these amazing ideas on my Kid Craft Pinterest Board.

Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!