This is a activity booklet you can use for a fun Christmas Party with your Troop. Using the popular song 12 days of Christmas, each part of the song has...
This activity booklet has 3 very fun games all focused on exploring the life of Juliette Gordon Low. Juliette Knowledge Corner Game This is a game that is simple and...
This is a game that is simple and can be adapted to any holiday, event, or activities you are doing at your meetings. It is a great opportunity for your...
This lesson is great for 1st graders up to 6th grade. If we were all the same, how boring would this world be? This lesson discusses the importance of accepting...
This lesson is great for 1st graders up to 6th grade. We all make mistakes. It is so important that we learn from these mistakes and know that no matter...
This lesson is great for 1st graders up to 6th grade. Everything that we do as kids, helps contribute to the person we develop into as our future selves. That...
This lesson is great for 1st graders up to 6th grade. We are so tough on ourselves. Within our society, we will put some pretty unrealistic expectations on ourselves and...
This lesson is great for 1st graders up to 6th grade. Being strong does not always mean someone is able to lift something heavy. Sometimes being strong is referring to...
This lesson is great for 1st graders up to 6th grade. Respect… you have to give it to get it. Respect is something that everyone needs in order to continue...