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How to Start a Cookie and Snack Treasure Chest at Your Troop Meetings
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Over the years as a leader I have tried a number of different unique ways to run events and/or meetings to make it more exciting for the girls. One year I turned every meeting into a theme, sometimes just having girls dress up other times we did games and activities around that theme.
Below I will cover ways create a cookie/snack treasure chest at your meetings. If your looking for other ways to change up your meetings check out these other great ideas to make your troop meetings more exciting:
I know many of us have struggled on getting the snacks and drinks brought to the meetings by the girls. I know as a responsibility thing we want the girls to run their own meetings bring there own snacks and drinks. But I found a number of times where a girl was suppose to bring the snacks and ends up not attending because they are sick, or they forget, or their parent says they didn’t have the time before meeting.
I tried a new approach by creating a cookie and snack treasure box (or storage totes). Each girl and leader brings in a bag of cookies to go into the box. This way we always have the snacks on hand and never have to worry about someone forgetting to bring them or missing the meeting and no snacks. At the meeting one of the girls is given the task on the kaper chart to pick out a snack and help hand out drinks. This is something the girls look forward to every meeting. As for the beverages, we voted as a group that the troop would purchase the drinks out of the troop funds and I would bring to meeting.
If your looking for a Kaper chart idea here is a great one that I made for our troop, the pattern is there for you to duplicate. Click here for Kaper Chart
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This Leader Planner is from another amazing blogger named Jen her blog is called “I am StrawjenBerry” With the help of Jen I wrote a blog post explaining everything you will get in this planner. It has everything you need to plan your troop year. The planner contains your calendar, meeting planners, rosters and badge trackers in one safe place for when you need it. Read more