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How Connecting With Other Girl Scout Troop Leaders on Facebook Can Help Your Troop

How Connecting With Other Girl Scout Troop Leaders on Facebook Can Help Your Troop


Time to read 3 min

Sometimes leading a Girl Scout troop can make you feel isolated. It can be easy to feel like you’re the only one struggling to manage all the responsibilities on your own. It’s too much work for one person to constantly come up with things Girl Scouts would enjoy.

Thankfully, there is no need to worry. Whether you’re a new leader or have been at it for some time, I’ve created two special places where you can connect with other Girl Scout leaders, get ideas right in your personal Facebook feed, and get all the updates about my latest resources!

But first, here are a few reasons why you should connect with other Girl Scout troop leaders on Facebook.

Activity ideas

At the beginning of the year, it’s very important to think through the activities you can incorporate that your whole troop will enjoy. Whether you have a new troop or you’re trying to revitalize your current one, getting ideas for Girl Scout activities is so important.

Connecting with other leaders about their troop meetings, field trips, ceremonies, and other basic needs can really boost your girls’ experiences of your troop. Especially if the ages of your girls is different than it used to be, it can be tough as a Girl Scout leader to make your troop activities engaging and fun on your own. If you want to use your time as a troop leader making the lives of girls better, I highly recommend pooling your ideas with other GS volunteers and troop leaders to build a more lively troop.

Increase Your Profits

Even the most go-getting Girl Scout troops can add some new skills to their toolbox when it comes to securing funding. Whether you’d like to get more great ideas for fundraisers or cookie sales, you can learn from another Girl Scout troop leader who thinks differently from you.

Of course, my blog helps with this, but I find that the massive community on Facebook can really help with crowd sourcing ideas and answering your specific questions. As you know, funding steers everything else you do with your girls, especially if you’re leading a new Girl Scout troop. Being in regular contact with others who have encountered success can be so helpful when working with any grade level.

Build relationships

Sometimes, even if you’re secure in your plans for the year, you just need some additional support while starting a new Girl Scout year. Whether you meet up in real life or simply talk online, building relationships with other adult volunteers who are passionate about Girl Scouts can be so helpful. Social media is perhaps the best way to find other leaders and discuss lot of topics you might have in common.

If you happen to find troops in your area, you might be able to meet up with other

Follow Our Facebook Page

The first is the Leader Connecting Leaders Facebook Page. This is a no-commitment page filled with ideas for your meetings. All you have to do is like it to see our posts in your Facebook feed. As of the time that this article is written, there are almost 7,000 people who find it useful for their troop planning!

Join Our Facebook Group

The second opportunity is a lot more hands-on. If you join our Facebook Group, you can become part of our community. Not only do we have announcements, ideas, and opportunities to share about our own troops, we even have a pen pal program available. Some leaders find that taking these conversations to other communication channels can help them be in a better place to lead.

All of us need some additional help at times to become everything we can be! The Girl Scout experience is all about girls working together and lifting each other up, and our online community is a great place to do that with other leaders. I love connecting each new leader with a whole group of leaders who understand them and can help them

You never have to feel alone in leading your troop again. My mission in creating my blog was to connect you with other leaders, so you can feel a sense of camaraderie and partnership. Join our community today!

Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!

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