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35+ Awesome Facebook Resources To Collaborate With Other Leaders

35+ Awesome Facebook Resources To Collaborate With Other Leaders


Time to read 6 min

Everyone is always looking for new ideas to run their troop, and at the same time have many questions they would love to get answers from other leaders. This post is a compilation piece of everything Facebook has to offer for leaders. If your new leader and have no idea where to start looking for groups to collaborate with or a leader new to Facebook, or even a leader with years of experience leader be sure you all join as many of these Facebook groups and pages as you can.

Let’s get started with one of my favorite Facebook groups – GS Freebies, Deals and More! It is a page where you can find and share information about free/low cost resources online or in stores.

Talking Daisies

If your a Daisy Leader this is the group for you. All the discussions are focused on your level and your level only. Click here to join group: GS Daisy Leaders

Talking Brownies

If your a Brownie Leader this is the group for you. All the discussions are focused on your level and your level only. Click here to join group: GS Brownie Leaders

Talking Juniors

If your a Junior Leader this is the group for you. All the discussions are focused on your level and your level only. Click here to join group: GS Junior Leaders

  • Bronze Award Support – page to help support Junior Girl Scouts interested in earning their Bronze Award.

Talking Cadettes

If your a Cadette Leader this is the group for you. All the discussions are focused on your level and your level only. Click here to join group: GS Cadette Leaders

  • Silver Award Support – page to help support Cadette Girl Scouts interested in earning their Silver Award.

Talking Seniors & Ambassadors

If your a Senior or a Ambassador Leader this is the group for you. All the discussions are focused on your level and your level only. Click here to join group: GS Senior/Ambassador Leaders

  • Gold Award Support – page to help support Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts interested in earning their Gold Award.

Girl Scout Juliette

If your daughter is not in a troop you are called a Girl Scout Juliette. This is the group that is perfect for you to collaborate with other moms who have daughters doing it alone. GS Juliette

Groups For All Girl Scout Leaders – Regardless of Levels

Here is a compiled list of some of the best Facebook Groups available for leaders to collaborate with one another.

  • Girl Scout Leader’s page is a place for leaders near and far to join together to share ideas, express challenges and guide one another through a full filling experience for our girl’s!
  • GS Leader Chat (GSLC) is for adult Girl Scouts in leadership roles, a virtual sisterhood. GSLC is an online community to share ideas, stories, get help, share pictures, brag about a meeting or event that went well, and vent. If it is Girl Scout related, this is the place to discuss it.
  • GS Troop Leader Connection is for GS Leaders because being a troop leader is really a labor of love, and no one can really understand the work you do and the devotion you have for your girls but for another troop leader! This is a gathering place for resources, ideas, advice, and anything you might need.
  • Service Unit Managers, Directors, Coordinators page the purpose of this group is to share ideas/thoughts and what works/doesn’t work in your Service Unit. This is for SU Managers only (or whatever each council calls this position….ie area manager, community lead, etc.) This group focused solely on the administrative efforts to manage a service unit, area, community.
  • GS Green Gab a group for leaders to trade ideas, swap stories, and vent if necessary.
  • Multi-Level GS Troops is a page is for the leaders and volunteers of multi age or multi level Girl Scout troops.
  • GS Retired Badges Sell/Trade is a page that you can sell and/or trade other leaders some of the retired Girl Scout Badges.
  • GS SU/Neighborhood Team is a place for all SU team members to share ideas, ask questions and network.

PenPal Groups

There are a number of groups I found on Facebook that are targeting PenPals, but based on the member counts I am sharing the top two that I think have the best value.

Facebook Pages That May Interest You As a Leader

These are not groups to join but rather they are Facebook pages that offer great ideas that can help you run your troop.

  • Let’s start with why we are here to begin with: GSUSA
    You should also do a search to find your local council Facebook page, to many to list them all here.
  • WAGGGS Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is where young people have fun, make friends and develop the skills and attitude that can change themselves, their community and our world.
    For over 100 years, we have been the only global movement geared entirely to girls:
  • Leader Connecting Leaders that is the Facebook page for this site! I may be bias when I say be sure to like this page for great ideas, motivation fun conversation post just for fun, I run monthly contest for free activity booklets and more!

Talking Journey Books

As a Leader we all know how difficult it can be to earn the journey awards for Girl Scouts. There is a great Facebook group set up with other leaders discussing great ideas you may be able to adopt for your troop. Join group here Girl Scout Journeys Chat

Helping Sister Scouts

There are also a number of Facebook groups and pages that were made specifically to help other girl scouts around the USA in one way or another. Here are a few pages that are growing and have great potential to make the world a better place through leader collaboration.

  • Operation Be A Sister Troop 239 from Lanesville, Indiana started this project a few days after Hurricane Sandy. It quickly grew from that! More than 3000 scouts from 48 states participated in phase one which was sending new uniforms and troop supplies to affected Girl Scouts. The new phase is sending new bedroom items for those scouts that lost everything. It looks as though it is still active. Get involved!
  • GS Sister Support Network – This group is to allow scouting sisters to request prayers and cards for Girl Scouts in need or following tragedy.
  • Girl Scout Supply Closet – A site for providing free uniforms or insignia to sister scouts whose parents can not afford to provide these items.

Traveling With Scouts

If you have Girl Scouts who are looking to travel on a big trip these are 3 popular Facebook page/groups to look at for help on planning.

  • EF ToursThis is the official page for EF tours which is a way to show your girls the world. From Italy to India, our mission is to open the world through education and give Girl Scouts the opportunity to travel and grow.
  • Girl Scouts Traveling to SavannahTalk to other leaders who have traveled to Savannah or plan to do so with their troop.
  • Girl Scouts Traveling to DisneyTalk to other leaders who have traveled to Disney or plan to do so with their troop.

Buying and Selling Troop Fundraisers and More

If your troop is selling something, looking to buy Girl Scout items from other leaders or you want to swap with another troop these pages would be great for you.

Fun With SWAPs

As leaders we are always looking for new exciting SWAPS to make with our troop. Here are a few great groups to join for that.

Organize Your Troop Parties This Year with a 25+ page Leader Planner

This Leader Planner is from another amazing blogger named Jen her blog is called “I am StrawjenBerry” With the help of Jen I wrote a blog post explaining everything you will get in this planner. It has everything you need to plan your troop year. The planner contains your calendar, meeting planners, rosters and badge trackers in one safe place for when you need it. Read more

Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!