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How To Teach Girls Essential Lessons About Self Confidence
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
Feeling confident in yourself and your abilities is one of the most important aspects of a successful woman, so it’s vital that you can take the time to teach these lessons to your girls in order to lay the best foundations for their future. Thankfully, figuring out exactly how to show your girls how to be as confident as ever doesn’t have to be as tricky as you might expect, as there are several super effective ideas that you can make the most of to help them learn about self confidence in no time at all. So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on to learn how to uplift your girls today!
One of the most essential lessons that must be taught to begin building confidence and self assurance focuses around the decision of whose opinions truly matter. Taking every bit of criticism on board, despite its origin, will likely have a disastrous effect on the way that you feel about yourself, and subsequently lead to a lack of confidence and an excess of doubt.
On the other hand, choosing only to accept the comments of those who you genuinely value and care about will reduce the negativity, bitterness and jealousy that would have previously been apparent. Your family and closest friends will want to watch you grow and flourish, so any criticisms will be constructive to help you become a better person. Plus, when they say something kind and supportive that reinforces you in some way, it means far more coming from somebody that you look up to and admire.
Teach your girls that the opinions of those who don’t matter (including nasty school classmates, social media users, and even celebrities) should never be taken too seriously, as they do not have your best interests at heart.
This beautifully illustrated book empowers kids to be nice and kind human beings. ‘The Adventures To Me ’ is an endearing story of a little elephant on a journey to becoming the best version of “me”.
Equipped with nothing other than a colorful scooter, a backpack, and a map, the little elephant starts their “Adventures to Me”. Along the way, meets new friends of all different backgrounds as encounters challenges, has to make choices, and learns lessons along the way.
The road to discovering the best version of “me” is paved with lessons about confidence, truthfulness, resilience and strength, respect, kindness, responsibility, accepting differences, using what you have, dreaming big, setting goals, and looking ahead towards the future with a positive mindset.
For the little elephant, the journey of life is full of a wealth of possibilities –– ready to embark on a beautiful journey alongside our elephant friend?
Learn about the choices we all make to be good people and explore the great “Adventures To Me”!
The people that your girls spend time with will have a dramatic impact on their confidence levels, so it’s vital that you can teach them to find the right crowd rather than befriending selfish and negative individuals. It can be hard to see a person’s true colors upon first meeting them so it’s always good to give every person a chance before you make a decision regarding the quality of their friendship, but you must take the chance to look for red flags.
If one of your girls forms a friendship that is totally one sided in favor of the other party, you will soon see their confidence dip as they take a back seat! Fortunately you can do lots of things to help you girls form better quality bonds with more positive and uplifting friends. Starting with the scouting family.
Encouraging your girls to work on their confidence and also their general mental well-being in such an environment surrounded by other girls who are similarly motivated will help to establish a strong network of self assured individuals who can build each other up.
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Look locally in your area for great places like the Eva Carlston Academy in Salt Lake City. They offer great programs to help your girls feel safe and valued. These type of places are all over the USA, I highly recommend looking for these type of opportunities.
Sometimes as adults and troop leaders we try to plan and organize everything and sometimes forget to help grow our girls we need to ask them for their advice, opinions, and show them that you value them and their ideas.
By doing this you are helping your girls build confidence by demonstrating that even troop leaders need help too, and it’s okay to ask for it.
Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!
Purchase this wonderful illustrated book from Amazon.