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12 Fun Easter Party Games and Activities For You And Your Troops
Time to read 7 min
Time to read 7 min
Are you looking for a fun party idea to have with your troop? Today’s post I will share with you a few ideas on how to throw a Easter party with your troop. Complete with games, crafts, and songs.
Before jumping into covering the Easter party here are some other great games to also add to your party:
Prep: You will need numbers on paper, and tape. Before starting tape the numbers to floor and put a set of those numbers in a basket to call numbers as you go.
How to play: When the music starts everyone begins to walk around the room stepping on each of the numbers as they go. When the music stops everyone should step on the number closest to them. A number is pulled from the Easter basket and the girl standing on that number gets to choose a cupcake (or other treat). I found these silly putty Easter eggs on Amazon and they are great gifts not always candy! Crayola, Silly Putty Variety Pack, 6 count
Prep: Use pieces of masking tape and bunny footprints. Make your own or use the ones to the right here.
How to play: Start playing some Easter music and have girls pretend to be Bunnies and hop around the room. When you stop the music, have the bunnies find footprints to stand on (one girl to a paw-print set). You can eliminate one set of bunny tracks each round till one girl is left.
Prep: All you need for this game is construction paper, markers and scissors. Draw and decorate a variety of eggs on construction paper and cut the eggs out of the construction paper, and then cut each egg in half.
How to play: Hand each girl one egg half, and tell them to find the match to their half. This is a great way to start the party.
Prep: Fill a large glass jar with some kind of candy egg, counting them before putting them in.
How to play: When each girl arrives have them guess how many eggs in jar. Whoever is the closest to correct egg count would when the jar of candy.
Prep: You will need plastic spoons and a hard boiled or raw egg depending on how messy you want to get 🙂
How to play: Put girls in two teams and give first person in each team a spoon and egg. The girl must balance the egg on the spoon and walk to one end of room and back and give to next girl in line. First team to get every girl thru with egg on spoon wins. If you go with raw eggs and they break it have lots of extras, girl must clean up mess and then pass spoon to next girl with new egg. You can have a winning team that uses the least amount of eggs as well (This version best done outside)
Instead of the usual Easter egg hunt you do every year. This year try a different style…lets call it the Easter Olympics!
Prep: You will need a few things for this activity: Lots of Easter eggs (If you need them amazon has a great deal on 288 eggs – Easter Eggs Assortment 288 ct.)
Treats(prizes), Coins and/or dollar bills, Toys, Gold Coins, Jelly Beans, Pink Felt, Markers, Poster Board, Scissors. Fill the eggs with the prizes money candy whatever you decide to give girls
How to play: This Easter egg hunt you will award three winners a Golden egg, silver egg, and bronze egg champions just like the Olympics. So keep track of scores through each part of the Olympic game.
Add up all the points from all 4 parts. The three winners get prizes awarded in gold, silver, and bronze.
I would recommend a typical Easter egg hunt for your Daisy and Brownie girls.
Blow up about 10-15 balloons and place them on the floor. Each guest has 2 minutes (use a timer) to pick up and hold as many balloons as possible. They must pick up the balloons all by themselves without help, put them in their clothes, between their legs, under their arms, between their teeth, etc. Each guest takes a turn while the others watch and laugh themselves silly! The guest who holds the most balloons when their time is up is the winner.
Have 12 eggs with 6 that are boiled and 6 that are raw. Number them 1 – 12, then have girls look at them and guess which ones are which no touching just looking! Then after everyone guesses take each one ask a girl to volunteer who thought it was boiled and break it over their hand. Girls will have fun just be sure to have wipes to clean hands. This would be great for the courageous and strong petal.
You will enjoy playing three fun games with your girls. With the 4 corner game your girls will be running from corner to corner burning off a lot of energy. Then play the card game included in the packet where the girls will use their minds to find and match cards. Lastly the bingo game which no matter your age everyone loves playing bingo. Learn more and get your game booklet to play with your girls.
Sung to: “Hokey Pokey”
You put your bunny ears in
(Place hands on head to make ears)
You put your bunny ears out.
You put your bunny ears in.
And you shake them all about.
You do the Bunny Pokey
And hop yourself around,
That’s what it’s all about!
Additional verses:
You put your bunny nose in…
You put your bunny tail in…
You put your bunny paws in…
Did You Ever See A Bunny
(Sung To: Did You Ever See A Lassie)
Did you ever see a bunny, a bunny, a bunny.
Did you ever see a bunny, wiggle his nose
He wiggles and giggles, and wiggles and giggles
Did you ever see a bunny, wiggle his nose
Did you ever see a bunny, a bunny, a bunny.
Did you ever see a bunny, flap his big ears
He flips them and flaps them, and flips them and flaps them,
Did you ever see a bunny, Flap his big ears.
Did you ever see a bunny, a bunny, a bunny.
Did you ever see a bunny, munch on his lunch!
He munches and crunches, and munches and crunches,
Did you ever see a bunny, munch on his lunch.
Did you ever see a bunny, a bunny, a bunny.
Did you ever see a bunny, fluff his tail
He fluffs and flaps and fluffs and flaps
Did you ever see a bunny, fluff his tail
Prep: Gather a pile of craft supplies the girls can use to make a Easter Bonnet. As for the actual bonnet you can either collect money and purchase before meeting for each girl, buy out of supplies, or have each girl bring a hat to use as a bonnet.
How to: Give the girls time to create their bonnets, then have girls put on and put on some Easter music and let them each model their Easter bonnet.
Have fun with your girls. I hope you found these ideas helpful.
One thing we all know as leaders we need all the help we can get to make the program fun, educational, and to help build the girl leaders of tomorrow. I compiled a list of some great companies that sell patches, programs and also other bloggers offering amazing resources that may fit your needs even better than my site did plus I made a really cool Kaper Chart you will love to use with your troop. Grab some of these resources now