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5 Fun Activities To Help Your Girls Earn the Senior Truth Seeker Badge
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
Do you know what is true and what is fake? There is a lot of news and information on all forms of media, TV, paper, friends, family and of course on the Internet, but not all of it is true or should be created equal.
You will find as you grow up some information is completely one sided or even wrong. If you have 9th and 10th grade girls check out some of these ideas to become experts at knowing the difference while earning the Senior Truth Seeker Badge!
Below are a few ideas to get you started.
Use the Truth Seeker Badge Activity Booklet which includes activities to learn how to tell the difference between fact and fiction. You will be able to judge your source for accuracy, credibility and truthfulness of the source. With step-by-step activities, you can’t ask for an easier way to run your meeting. Learn more about this activity booklet and get yours today!
Give your girls a number of websites, make sure some are legitimate and some are completely fake. Then ask them to see if they can identify the fake ones?
Choose a topic that is something girls are passionate about. Then find some websites that take different view points on topic, probably 5 on each side for and against. Then have girls rank the websites based on credibility from most credible to least. As the girls are doing that, ask them how they are doing keeping their own personal opinion out of the decision of what is most creditable.
As you explore what the truth is in articles and in media, have your girls try to tell a story about something that is truthful but while telling the story put in some false information. See how many girls can catch the lies. If they think it is a lie have them call out “liar, liar” while girl is sharing story.
Even our favorite celebrities lie or share their opinion but come across like its facts. Have the girls pick out someone they like and trust and review a recent article, video or social media post they put out in and evaluate it for facts vs opinions. Or did they just straight lie?
While watching the video have the girls list any guidelines that are mentioned to help evaluate websites for trustworthiness.
Well of course give them the Senior Truth Seeker badge to display proudly on their vest, they earned it! Additionally If you are like many leaders we want to award our girls when they complete something even beyond just the patch. One great way to show achievement is with a certificate. Don’t worry you don’t have to make them, I found a resource that has done all the work for you and all you have to do is print them and customize the certificates with each girl’s name, badge or award earned, date, and troop leader.
Editable certificates perfect for awarding girls after earning a badge.
Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!