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How To Make Toddler Busy Boxes To Donate To Shelters or Hospitals
Time to read 2 min
Time to read 2 min
As a leader I am always looking for new and interesting service projects for the girls to get involved in. One afternoon while searching on Pinterest for some new ideas for my son to do around the house I came across the concept of busy boxes. Many of the items are crafts you put together, supplies you have laying around the house, or taking garbage and making it into a game or activity.
It hit me at that moment as a troop we have put together care bags, collected for the food pantry, made baskets full of toys for kids at homeless shelters and family shelters. Why not take a new approach and make Toddler Busy Boxes. These boxes are even more personal because the girls can make things that the kids will use to stay busy as the title states.
The best part about this idea is that any age troop can get involved right down to Daisy Scouts. Below is a few ideas to get start. But honestly the sky is the limit with toddlers anything that will keep their little hands busy is a win!
As you can see in picture above I gathered a pile of pipe cleaners and a strainer and it kept my son busy for a good half hour. But I felt like it needed to go a step further and also teach him colors. So I gathered a few supplies and his favorite character wrapping paper(elmo) and made my very own custom pipe cleaner sorter. This will be a great craft to have your girls make and add to the toddler busy boxes they make.
What you need: Empty Pringles tube, round white hole punch stickers, markers, wrapping paper, and pipe cleaners of different colors, hole punch
How to put together: Wrap the Pringles tube with wrapping paper and glue together. Using hole punch put the round holes on the top of the lid and put the round white stickers on top. Pick the colors you will use and color the round white stickers the colors of the pipe cleaners. Put the lid back on and put the pipe cleaners into each hole. That is all there is to it and now a toddler will have fun matching up the color pipe cleaners to the right holes.
Beyond this idea I have pinning like crazy so here are a pile of Toddler busy box ideas I have complied together onto a Pinterest board. Click here
The best part is they can be a busy bag, a busy box, or a busy tote. You can put together your gifts anyway that would work best for you. If you are looking for boxes, I purchased these 12 quart boxes and made the boxes for my son fit great in closet and hold a nice variety of busy activities: 12 Quart Stack & Pull Box, 6 Pack
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