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A very unique Ceremony With Your Troop - Magical night at the Cinderella Ball
Time to read 5 min
Time to read 5 min
What girl doesn’t dream of going to the Cinderella Ball? We decided to put on a very magical night for our troop of 43 girls. This was a Bronze, Silver, and Gold ceremony, bridging ceremony, and also pinning 4 new girls.
We raised enough money to put on a ball that could be described as a wedding for 43 girls. Complete with dancing, games, a full course meal, a photographer and of course you can’t have a Cinderella Ball without a horse and carriage.
First we raised money for about 2 years for this Ceremony knowing we had girls earning all three awards to be finished the same year. We rented a hall, got a DJ, Hired someone to make the food, and of course rented the horse and carriage, but we kept that part a secret till the girls arrived.
If you need a idea for fundraising beyond Cookie sales check out how we raised money with a Hoagie sale.
This was a collections of things over the course of 2 years. We went with a purple and pink color theme. So table coverings were pink and purple. We created a fancy center piece using white paper doilies, glass square, glass cup and candle floating in water.
We purchased glass slippers from Amazon and mints to put into them for favors with pink netting around them thanking each person for coming. Then of course lots of balloons and streamers for added decorations and color. We also had bowls with goldfish at each table for added snack.
We told everyone this was going to be a magical night and wanted everyone to dress in their fanciest dresses and come ready to dance the night away.
We hired the Horse and Carriage and had our Gold Girls meet about 2 miles from the hall and had everyone else arrive to hall a bit early and be outside for the big surprise. These girls were given the opportunity to ride the horse and carriage to hall. The photographer was with us the whole time getting some amazing shots of those girls.
Once arriving to hall the Silver Award Recipients were then given opportunity to ride a one mile square then the Bronze Award girls were taken around the block and then lastly the rest of the girls in troop were given rides around the parking lot. Each girl also got a opportunity to get individual and family pictures on the carriage.
After the Carriage rides we had all the families go into the hall and find a place to sit. We then lined our troop up to be introduced one by one by the DJ, starting with introducing the leaders, one by one would come in and line up at front of hall. Then we introduced each of our girls by name and age level. Example “Jodi Carlson, Leader of Brownie Troop” Tessa Carlson Daisy Girl”.
Of course we made the introduction of Gold girls a bit bigger by having them escorted by their fathers or other man in their life of importance. After everyone was introduced the DJ would say here is the whole troop of 43 girls and leaders.
After introductions we all joined hands and created a circle and started the night out with a friendship circle and sung MAKE NEW FRIENDS.
Next we had all the girls go sit with their family and friends and one by one each table excuse them up to get in line to get food.
During dinner the photographer was also set up with a nice backdrop to take pictures of girls and their families. Pretty much everyone took us up on that offer. It was a great way for everyone to get a real nice picture of their family. In the end the photographer gave us a CD so we could make copies to give each girl in troop.
We purchased wands for each girl when it was time for girls to bridge to next level we had the girls stand in a line two by two facing each other. We put them in order from Daisy to Ambassador and had them raise the wands to create a arch Then the girl bridging would go through the man made bridge of girls.
Once the girl went through bridge we would pin her on the other side. At this event we also had flowers to give the girls.
During the ceremony we broke it up and did a little program with a little dancing. So after Bridging girls we did a few songs for girls to dance to.
Then we also did a Father/Daughter Dance. We started by having Gold girls come out with their fathers/uncles/grandpas. Then brought out the Silver and Bronze girls. After so long we invited everyone to bring out their fathers to dance.
During this ceremony the girls each took a turn coming up and sharing what they did to earn their awards.
We put together a short video of each girl working on their Gold Award project and after they explained what they did we surprised each of them with the video that really showed all the work they put into the project. So again a lot of planning was done ahead making sure to grab pictures and videos of the girls working on their projects.
We always include in our ceremonies a chance to recognize anyone that helped us a lot in regards to running the troop, planning events, and just keeping our troop active in community.
We used candy witty sayings as awards at this ceremony. I got my ideas from this blog with 41 cute candy thank you ideas.
So what completes a Cinderella Ball, well of course cake and dessert. So we had cupcakes and a cake. We happened to have this ceremony around GS’s Birthday so we just added that to our event. We wrote Happy Birthday GS on the cake. We had candles and had the Gold Girls all come around the table and blow out the candles and cut the cake. (I know similar to a wedding right?!?)
After getting through all the formal stuff we told everyone now its time for a dance party. We had the DJ for a total of 5 hours so after ceremony, awards, food, announcements we turned it over to him to play fun music and all the girls, leaders and families could enjoy the rest of the night dancing.
This was one of the biggest events we have ever put on and also one of the ones that still get talked about to this day. I am so proud of everything my girls accomplished and this ceremony / party was a way for us to celebrate each and every one of them.