There are 24 different France facts your girls will learn about playing this bingo game. When you draw a fact listed on the bingo cards you can also tell your girls a little bit about that what each of them mean. After one game play again and have girls tell you what each thing means.
This download comes with 50 Bingo cards and the fact sheet.
Girls will learn what each of these facts mean while having fun playing bingo.
- Euro
- Snails
- Bastille Day
- Rooster
- Tour De France
- Green Land
- Nobel Prize
- Millau Bridge
- Paris France
- 9th Largest Railway System
- Wine Producer
- Metric System
- Liberty Equality and Fraternity
- The Hexagon
- Camera Phone
- One Stop Sign
- Land or Kingdom of the Franks
- Eiffel Tower
- Mona Lisa
- 12 Time Zones
- French Inventions
- French
- Lots of Tourists
- The Louvre in Paris
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