There are 24 different Argentina facts your girls will learn about playing this bingo game. When you draw a fact listed on the bingo cards, you can also tell your girls a little about what each means. After one game, play again and have the girls tell you what each thing means.
This download comes with 50 Bingo cards and a fact sheet.
Girls will learn these facts while having fun playing bingo.
- Buenos Aires
- Tango
- Patagonia
- Andes Mountains
- Iguazu Falls
- Mate
- Argentine Steak
- Pampa
- Gaucho
- Penguin
- Argentine Football (Soccer)
- Córdoba
- Empanada
- Chimichurri
- Aconcagua
- La Boca
- Puma
- Alfajor
- Llamas
- Bariloche
- Buenos Aires Zoo
- Argentine School Year
- Dulce de Leche
- Café
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