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4 Great Fundraiser Ideas for Your Girl Scout Troop

4 Great Fundraiser Ideas for Your Girl Scout Troop


Time to read 2 min

The Girl Guides first began in England in 1909 when a crowd of girls demanded to participate in a Boy Scouts meeting. The organizer of the rally, Lord Baden-Powell, was amazed with the girl’s attitude, so he contacted his sister and asked if she would be prepared to create a group just for girls. This was the beginning of the Girl Guides.

Since then, the Girl Guides has gone on to become one of the most popular groups for young children. Not just in England but in other countries worldwide, including America where we are now called Girl Scouts.

If you are a Girl Scout leader or a troop volunteer you know that to be able to do things with your troop you need to fundraise to pay for the activities. Thanks to leaders like you coming up with fun exciting fundraising opportunities troops travel, go to broadways, visit other states or even countries.

If you’re looking for a few new fundraising ideas for your troop, you’ve come to the right place. Below is a list of 4 ideas you may not have thought of yet.

Quiz Nights

Organizing a quiz night is a wonderful way to raise funds for your troop. Here are some tips to help you organize a fantastic quiz night:

  • Find a suitable location for the quiz to take place – you could choose to host it where your troop meets or contact a local community location to host it.
  • Choose a good date and time – most people are at work during the day, so it might be better to organize the quiz for the evening.
  • Advertise it properly – you can do this by making flyers, sending out emails, etc., telling people the date, time, location, and cost of participating.
  • Create a quiz that has something in for everyone – There are lots of quiz questions online that can help you.
  • Consider providing food and drink – you don’t have to offer a full meal, but offering food and drink could increase the amount of money you earn. However, if you plan to do this, you must ensure it suits everyone. To do this, you must consider dietary requirements and medical conditions when producing a menu. If we take people with a swallowing disorder as an example, they may struggle to consume regular drinks. However, to make it suitable for them, you could check how to thicken alcohol with SimplyThick.

Sell, Sell, Sell

Yard sales are always fantastic ways to make money. However, to increase your earnings, you should think of ways to increase people’s engagement at these events. For example, you could make and sell homemade crafts or organize a bake-off.

Sponsored Something

Another easy fundraising idea is a sponsored something. It’s up to you what you choose to do. For example, you might do a sponsored walk, dance, or bike ride. Choose something that you and your girls will be able to do.

Car Washing

A fundraising car wash is super simple to organize, and it can also be a great deal of fun. However, before organizing a car wash for your troop, make sure you train your girls in how to wash cars properly. This is important as you may have to pay damages if you accidentally damage a car.

The Girl Guides and Girl Scouts have been around for more than 100 years now. During this time, they have done a lot for the community. However, they wouldn’t be able to exist without fundraising. Thankfully, there are many things your troop can do to raise the money they need to keep going. If you’re a Girl Scout leader looking for fundraising ideas for your troop, why
not give some of the ideas above a go?

Enjoy every minute being a leader and continue to inspire your girls!

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