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3 Fun Activities To Earn The Cadette Science Of Happiness Badge
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
If your looking for ideas to make your meeting more fun while discovering the mystery and science behind happiness is, you have come to the right place. Using some of these activities below they will learn what is really behind that smile.
Below are a few ideas to get you started.
Before jumping into a few ideas, do you want to skip all the planning? If so, use this Activity Booklet with activities, games, and worksheets to allow your girls to take over the meeting. They can use the information to design, create and discover everything there is to know about the subject of “Happiness” With a step by step activities, you can’t ask for a easier way to run your meeting. Learn more and get yours today!
Give each girl a copy of the Activity booklet, a blank scrapbook/journal and craft supplies to decorate and put together the book. The girls can put their book together however they want. They can cut out the sections in the packet and put right in journal, others may choose to rewrite what was is in booklet in their own hand writing. There are get moving activities to break up the time and girls can record how the games made them feel. Once book is put together some parts you will do as a group. The happiness action plan they put together is for 30 days and girls can go home and complete and come back to meeting to share with group how the challenge made them feel.
The best part about this badge girls get to use their creative design side to create a scrapbook/journal, while spending the meeting chatting and talking to their friends. It covers all the areas of the badge and best part the girls have a blast learning about what and how to be happy.
The idea of this badge is take simple actions in their daily lives to change our happiness levels. They are all things that have shown that can positively impact a persons feelings of fulfillment and happiness. You want to be mindful, be grateful, and be kind to others. Get each girl a journal to write down all their thoughts.
Make a collage on clipboard then it has a practical use as well. Each girl is tasked with finding photos/images/words they want to use to add to their collage things that they believe brings them happiness and fulfillment. Then modge podge it.
Example of inside of one of the girls journals
If you don’t want to spend the time planning, our Activity Booklet has step-by-step instructions with activities that don’t require any planning other than gathering supplies and printing booklets.
Well of course give them the badge to display proudly on their vest, they earned it! Additionally If you are like many leaders we want to award our girls when they complete something even beyond just the patch. One great way to show achievement is with a certificate. Don’t worry you don’t have to make them, I found a resource that has done all the work for you and all you have to do is print them and customize the certificates with each girl’s name, badge or award earned, date, and troop leader. Editable certificates perfect for awarding girls after earning a badge.
I get asked a lot what other resources are out there on the internet for Leaders. I have done some digging over the years and have used many of the resources myself. I compiled a list of some great companies that sell patches, programs and also other bloggers offering amazing resources that may fit your needs even better than my site did. Checkout what I found.